Best Graduate Scholarship 2019 Graduation Stipram

STIPRAM held graduation on July 11, 2019 with the number of 1194 people from D3 program in Hospitality, Tourism S1 and S2 Tourism. Graduates this year come from 34 provinces in indonesia and from neighboring East Timor and Taiwan.
Of the total graduates as well as years ago STIPRAM have a tradition form of scholarships awarded to the best graduates further studies to proceed to a higher level. From D3 Hospitality program because there are 9 concentrations, then STIPRAM give 9 STIPRAM up to S1, S1 are given 7 best graduates to the level of the S2 and S2 level was awarded the best graduates recruited as a lecturer in STIPRAM.
Seem happy faces of the graduates and their parents because the campus has succeeded him as superior generation and qualified.
This graduation as well as years ago also marked with the foreign student graduates from the program S2 comes from the University of Kang Ning, Taiwan and there is also a graduate of Joint Degree program of Lovely Professional Univerty, India. With a theme that emphasizes 4.0 technology industry, it is expected that STIPRAM graduates can take part in all areas of industry above all in the field of tourism industry. The tourism sector is highly anticipated by the community, especially human resources will take part, then STIPRAM has designed to manage both the graduates of the program in Hospitality D3, S1 and S2 Tourism to be ready to contribute in the national tourism development, thus STIPRAM Chairman, Dr. Suhendroyono deliver.
Has a marker that STIPRAM graduation degree is always packed with a mix of academic and cultural nuances, so the sacred atmosphere there, the atmosphere bahagiapun also exist. Congratulations and success to the graduates. - Ami, Stipram Jogja .