Virtual Tour Presentations Between STIPRAM and National Nanagement Degree College (NMDC) Myanmar

On December 20 2022, STIPRAM Yogyakarta has held a Virtual Tour Presentation between the Myanmar National Management Degree College (NMDC) with the theme "Culture of Indonesia and Myanmar". The titles brought by 6 student representatives from STIPRAM Yogyakarta are:
- Indonesia's Unique Cemetery : The Trunyan Village in Bali
- Indonesia's Unique Tradition : The Stone Jumping from Nias Tribe in Sumatra
- The Unique Museum of Wayang in the Old Town of Jakarta
Meanwhile, 6 student representatives from NMDC Myanmar brought the following titles:
- Myanmar Traditional Puppet Show (Yoke The')
- Myanmar's Unique Novitiation Ceremony (Shinbyu)
- Myanmar Costume through Ages