Student Web Discussion Between BUUIC Thailand and STIPRAM Yogyakarta

8 October 2020
The web discussion was held between students of STIPRAM (collaboration with ESC) and students of Burapha University International College. This web discussion was held by the zoom application. The theme of the web discussion is "The New Normal Situation in Indonesia and Thailand." followed by 2 faculty members from STIPRAM and 1 faculty member from BUUIC Thailand. There were 5 students from STIPRAM and 4 students from BUUIC Thailand. This discussion was held for sharing and compare the application of the new normal protocol in Indonesia and Thailand.
Covid-19 is a virus that attacks the human immune system and respiratory system. This virus has been widely appeared and spread in various countries, including Indonesia and Thailand. The impact and influence that arises from this virus cause enormous changes in various fields, such as in the fields of economics, health, education, and others.
One of the universities in Thailand, BUUIC University has also started a face-to-face learning activity offline and online. BUUIC University starts online classes every week and is interspersed with offline classes the week after. For offline classes, the school provides places to wash their hands and set the distance to sit in the classroom or outside the classroom such as in the cafeteria and other places.
It is also the same as STIPRAM which blend system that combines offline and online classes. So for students who can not follow the learning activities on campus can attend the online class while students who follow the activities offline still apply health protocols and keep their distance from each other. STIPRAM has also carried out graduation activities on campus, by implementing strict security procedures to avoid the transmission of the covid-19 virus.