Student Web Discussion Between Burapha University International College Thailand and STIPRAM Yogyakarta

15 October 2020
The web discussion was held between students of STIPRAM (collaboration with ESC) and students of Burapha University International College Thailand. This web discussion was held by the zoom application. The theme of the web discussion is "Traditional Dishes from Indonesia and Thailand" followed by 2 faculty members from STIPRAM and 1 faculty member from BUUIC Thailand. There were 5 students from STIPRAM and 5 students from BUUIC Thailand. This discussion was held for sharing their experiences and recommendations on traditional food owned by each country and strengthen the student relationships.
STIPRAM Delegation:
1. Maulana Galih Prasetya presented Sate Manggarai and Sop Iga
2. Merissa Singaruda presents Lendot and Grilled Fish Cake
3. Maria Anggraeni Rachmawati presented Rendang and Ayam Geprek
4. Michael Surya Setjoadityo presented Rawon and Pecel
5. Anna Flaviani Lau presented Es Dawet and Bakpia
BUUIC Delegation:
a. Kanlina Marie Crilley presented Pad Thai
b. Simran Siingh presented Tom Yum Kung
c. Saran Narkniyom presented Som Tam (Salad Pepaya Pedas)
d. Pongsathon Maikancan presented Tom Kha Kai (Spicy White Tom Yum Soup)
e. Jiradtikan Sutti presented Kare Hijau Thailand