
TOEFL Preparation and Test

Package for TOEFL Preparation and Test Learning Module Discuss about strategies to answer TOEFL questions (Listening, Structure, Reading) Consultation  TOEFL test try out TOEFL full test TOEFL Certificate Registration through Google Form with this link: htt ...

Job Orientation
4 Maret 2021

Job Orientation Information, March 2021 ...

End of Year Collaboration Event with ESC: The Winter Pageant 2020
31 Desember 2020 Penting Terbaru

18 November 2020 The collaboration between ESC and Office International Affairs held a Winter Pageant with the theme "Show Your Talents and Shine as the Prince and Princess of Winter '20". The total number of participants in this pageant amounted to 16 people who had gone through interview selection with the number of registrant 2 ...

Student Web Discussion Between Management Science - Phuket Rajabhat University Thailand and STIPRAM Yogyakarta
31 Desember 2020 Penting Terbaru

15 October 2020 The web discussion was held between students of STIPRAM (collaboration with ESC) and students of Phuket Rajabhat University Thailand. This web discussion was held by the zoom application. The theme of the web discussion is "Popular Tourism Destination in Indonesia and Thailand." followed by 2 facult ...

Student Web Discussion Between Burapha University International College Thailand and STIPRAM Yogyakarta
31 Desember 2020 Penting Terbaru

15 October 2020 The web discussion was held between students of STIPRAM (collaboration with ESC) and students of Burapha University International College Thailand. This web discussion was held by the zoom application. The theme of the web discussion is "Traditional Dishes from Indonesia and Thailand" followed by 2 ...