Virtual Tour Presentations Between STIPRAM and National Nanagement Degree College (NMDC) Myanmar
On December 20 2022, STIPRAM Yogyakarta has held a Virtual Tour Presentation between the Myanmar National Management Degree College (NMDC) with the theme "Culture of Indonesia and Myanmar". The titles brought by 6 student representatives from STIPRAM Yogyakarta are: Indonesia's Unique Cemetery : The Trunyan Village in Bali Indonesia's Unique Tradition : The Stone Jumpin ...
Indonesian Traditional Cooking Course with Students from the College of Gredos San Diego Buitrago Madrid : Day 2
On the 2nd day of the Indonesian traditional cooking course, students from the college of Gredos San Diego Buitrago Madrid cooked traditional snacks: the Klepon and Onde-ond ...
Indonesian Traditional Cooking Course with Students from the College of Gredos San Diego Buitrago Madrid
On July 23 2019, being the first day of the Indonesian traditional food cooking course, students from the college of Gredos San Diego Buitrago Madrid campus cook Nasi Goreng Kampung and Chicken Satay. The four students assisted by Chef Yoso 6 ...
Culinary Exchange Program Between STIPRAM Institute of Tourism Yogyakarta & GSD College Buitrago Madrid
Welcome students from Gredos San Diego Buitrago Madrid Spain for the Culinary Exchange Program. This is the second year for this program held between STIPRAM Institute of To ...
MICE Virtual Class Between STIPRAM and BUUIC (Burapha University International College)
On March 6th 2021, STIPRAM students participated in a MICE Management virtual class activity held by students from Burapha University International College (BUUIC) through a webinar session conducted together by the two group of students with top ...