Stipram 18 Th World Coloring PT Tourism

Nothing feels Ambarrukmo Tourism College (STIPRAM) Yogyakarta in 2019 is even an 18 year old STIPRAM exactly 13 September 2019, is currently increasing quality through various breakthroughs as well as open up international networks for industrial and academic fields,
Until now STIPRAM have three (3) courses consist of D3 Hospitality with Akeditasi BAN PT A, S1 Tourism with Akeditasi BAN PT A, S2 Tourism Accreditation BAN PT value B. As for cooperation with foreign countries, especially academics, STIPRAM try reaching from Asia to Europe. This is done STIPRAM up to 18 years in order to increase support for cooperation in order to improve the quality of students and lecturer. In addition to the student exchange program, sending lecturers and Join Degree program has since 2015 carried out. Currently preparing STIPRAM International KKN to neighboring countries and will begin in October 2019. According to the chairman of which is also well STIPRAM HILDIKTIPARI Chairman, Dr. Suhendroyono that quality improvement has become STIPRAM program at age 18 this year. With the spirit directed, then the quality of the students, faculty and campus facilities complement is to be priorities. In addition STIPRAM education was to improve the qualifications of lecturers to the highest level according the government's call so that the quality of human resources in STIPRAM more reliable.
Lively Dies 18 years marred by a race between the Student Activity Unit (SMEs), between staff and faculty, among high school students / K as well as leather puppet show by Ki Seno Nugroho parking yard STIPRAM Hotel School on October 21, 2019. The Puppet Pgelaran routinely implemented for Concluding the Dies natalis STIPRAM to - 18, congratulations and success to STIPRAM. - Ami, Stipram Jogja .