Welcome New Students of STIPRAM

A total of 1400 new students have registered at the Institute of Tourism Ambarrukmo (STIPRAM) Yogyakarta. And on August 1, 2019 has been officially accepted by the campus at Auditorium Amartha STIPRAM. New students as well as last year came from 34 provinces in Indonesia.
Five areas of origin tallest student from Yogyakarta, Central Java, East Java, West Java and West Kalimantan with a composition of 65% of high school, 30% of the vocational school, and 5% of MA, both public and private. Since the last five years STIPRAM increase the number of new students and this is thanks to the trust the people of Indonesia. According to the Chairman STIPRAM, Dr. Suhendroyono, MM., M.Par., CHE that one of the capital maintain public confidence is to do well academically and cooperation of industry both domestically and internationally. As is the case today STIPRAM still routinely and reciprocal conducting Student Exchange abroad. Even STIPRAM trying medatangkan foreign students to study in this campus, and have been prepared as well as the supporting facilities and dormitory dermitori,
According to the deputy chairman of STIPRAM, Dr. Damiasih, MM., M.Par., CHE. Now it was time academics welcome our guests new students from different parts of the region in Indonesia as well as from various countries who will continue their studies in Yogyakarta. As the host communities in Yogyakarta also certainly do not want to just be silent because the initial course began again more enterprising businesses as well as businesses boarding house for new students, laundry services, food stalls, grocery stores and other service businesses.
As citizens of Yogyakarta let us welcome the new students who will study in Jogja with a cozy atmosphere, orderly and friendly. Our hope is also that the slogan Jogja Istimewa maintained by all the citizens of Yogyakarta either already settled or new students who will study in Yogyakarta. Do not let the lack of culture in accordance with the customs of the people of Yogyakarta will be deployed in Yogyakarta making the atmosphere became uncomfortable again.
Similarly for Universities scattered in Yogyakarta, let us invite new students to better understand and prioritize the real Jogja culture, uncontaminated by things that are not really appropriate and accepted by the citizens of Yogyakarta. By doing new student orientation, let us change the mindsetThis new student to become an independent figure and is not easily affected by adverse circumstances. With the provision of sufficient insight about the culture of the people of Jogja, so we are sure Jogja will be increasingly in demand by the people outside who would want to learn in this cozy town. As a city of culture, tourism and education, Jogja still reckoned as a learning destination in Indonesia. Welcome to the new students in Yogyakarta, make this city as comfortable and studious. - Ami, Stipram Jogja .