Stipram Spreads To Russia

Earlier in the independence of Indonesia, Institute of Tourism Ambarrukmo (STIPRAM) Yogyakarta re-establish international cooperation relations with universities in Russia, especially in Moscow. Two universities have steadily signed a MoU with STIPRAM.
"First STIPRAM signed an agreement with the Tomsk State University, witnessed by the Head of Regional LLDIKTI 5 Yogyakarta and Central APTISI Chairman. While the second, STIPRAM cooperating with RUDN University based in Moscow Russia. In this partnership STIPRAM Joint Research focused on program, Internship, Student Exchange and Cooking Short Course, "said Chairman STIPRAM Dr. Suhendroyono, SH., MM., M.Par., CHE.
During his visit to Russia for one week, STIPRAM along with 25 Universities from Jogja. According to Dr. Suhendroyono such cooperation is focused on education, especially tourism. Because if universities want to improve the quality, as much as possible should establish cooperation with other countries as partners. Due to the way universities can actualize themselves to each other, so that the younger generation of Indonesia not only be spectators while players even strangers.
"There are many people who do not understand the importance of learning outside the classroom. Whereas in the industrial era, students are required have an adequate competence and skills reliably. So they are not left with any other bagsa nations. Aware of it, STIPRAM take steps through cooperation with other countries to the European continent "he explained. - Ami, Stipram Jogja .