Stipram to host the 7th AQRFCM

(STIPRAM) Yogyakarta to host the 7th Asean Reference Framework Qualification Committee, Meeting on Monday (28/10/2019). The event was followed by ASEAN countries will discuss the same reference on curriculum called Indonesian national qualifications framework (KKNI).
Suhendroyono, as chairman Stipram very proud because this campus was asked to host the opening and meeting of the ASEAN countries. This is certainly a momentum for STIPram to show his ability as a campus of the best tourism in Indonesia.
Not only presents a replica of the monument Jogja in the Auditorium of the campus, but the presence of a Sundanese musical instrument that is played in the entrance area is a blend of acculturation to various Indonesian cultural diversity. Additionally maximum performance reog Ponorogo also shown to entertain the guests.
Director General of Public Education ECD Kemendikbud, Haris Iskandar said, now there are four countries that recognized equivalency. These countries are the Philippines, Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia our country.
"We immediately pushed seven other countries in order to participate in it," he said when attending the 7th Asean welcome diner Reference Framework Qualification Committee, Meeting on campus Stipram.
According equalizing labor certification among Southeast Asian countries it is important to be done, it is that every country has access to the same reference and between countries in the ASEAN community.
While at the same place, the Director of the center of learning and higher education ministry to mahasiswaan Ismunandar added Indonesia was ready since 2.000an. But it is undeniable that a number of obstacles, one of which is a matter of rules or certified reference work yet to be implemented in all countries of Southeast Asia.
"With the committee would indirectly KKNI will help, because its existence will be simplified, with the number of trainings held at the ministry," he concluded. (Yve)