End of Year Collaboration Event with ESC: The Winter Pageant 2020

18 November 2020
The collaboration between ESC and Office International Affairs held a Winter Pageant with the theme "Show Your Talents and Shine as the Prince and Princess of Winter '20". The total number of participants in this pageant amounted to 16 people who had gone through interview selection with the number of registrant 21 participants. Out of a total of 21 participants, there were 16 participants who qualified as finalists and 10 people became top 10. The number of winners amounted to 6 people. Consists of Princes of Winter, Princess of Winter, 1st Runner-Up, 2nd Runner Up, and Favorite Winner In this pageant, all participants wear winter costumes, do cat-walks, and answer questions given by international partners from STIPRAM. The cooperation partners who participated to give questions in this pageant are:
1. Burapha University International College Thailand
2. Phuket Rajabhat University Thailand
3. Sunway University, Malaysia