Warm welcome from Prof. Somboon Suksamran, Ph.D. - President of the Board of Rajabhat University Phuket, Asst. Prof. Dr. Hiran Prasarnkarn - President of Rajabhat University Phuket, Dr. Piangjit Tanticharatwarodom - Vice President of International Affairs, Miss Kullastri Parinya - Director of the Institute of Language and International Affairs, Asst. Prof. Dr. Jiraporn Prasarnkarn - Vice Dean of the Faculty of Science Phuket, Dr. Piangjit Tanticharatwarodom - Vice President of International Affairs. Prof. Dr. Jiraporn Prasarnkarn - Vice Dean of the Faculty of Management Sciences, as well as a team of administrators and academicians of Rajabhat University Phuket welcomed the arrival of a delegation from the Yogyakarta STIPRAM Tourism Doctoral Study Program consisting of the Ambarrukmo Foundation Trustees, STIPRAM Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, Head of S3 Study Program, and S3 students.
The STIPRAM delegation led by Prof. Dr. Ir. Sugiarto, M.Sc. as Head of S3 Study Program discussed various academic collaborations to further strengthen the relationship between the two institutions. On this occasion the delegation took the time to visit several places such as the faculty of management science and the center of arts and culture and others.
A big thank you to the University Council and the Executive Board of Rajabhat University Phuket, hopefully the relationship between PKRU and STIPRAM can be lasting.