Studex program STIPRAM To BUUIC

21 Pebruari 2020 Berita

A total of 14 students of Institute of Tourism Ambarrukmo (STIPRAM) Yogyakarta Student Exchange program (Studex) to Burapha University International College (BUUIC) Thailand. The program is held from 1 to 7 April 2019. The program combines cultural exchange, education and tourism is a regular program STIPRAM with BUUIC which has been running since 2013.

In an orientation session on the second day, participants Studex program was welcomed by the Vice Dean for Academic Affairs and International Cooperation BUUIC field as well as some students BUUIC. In his speech, Deputy Dean hopes that the program Studex are already well under way this can be maintained because it is a flagship program both in BUUIC and in STIPRAM. Furthermore, Deputy Dean hopes the input from participants on the implementation of the Studex program so that implementation can be improved in the future. On the occasion, the students participating in Studex introduce themselves one by one, followed by self-introduction of each student BUUIC. After the orientation session, followed by a campus tour to promote facilities that exist at Burapha University International College.

Student Exchange Program featured offers some interesting agenda, such as attending lectures on Basic Thai Language for Communication for 3 hours and lectures on Basic Knowledge of Thai Culture, continued to practice traditional dance from Thailand. Students are also taught cooking STIPRAM 3 Thai dishes in Cooking class at the Kitchen Lab BUUIC campus. In addition, the program also offers visits to several attractions in the city of Bangsaen, Bangkok and Pattaya, such as a visit to Wat Benchamabopitr, Pattaya Floating Market, Pattaya beach and other attractive tourist destinations.

To introduce about Indonesia, in order to exchange culture, education and tourism, students participating in Studex STIPRAM Indonesian tourism presented to the audience consisting of the Dean and Vice Dean BUUIC, lecturers and staff, as well as some students BUUIC. The presentation was followed by a dance offerings Wonderful Indonesia to introduce a variety of local arts of Bali, Java, Sumatra, Kalimantan and Papua, as well as offering clothing fashion show to introduce each participant to the audience. The whole series of events concluded with the awarding by the Dean of Student Exchange Certificates to all participants Studex BUUIC STIPRAM. -  Aldi, Stipram Jogja